Many people are familiar with the term "tattoo", but a military tattoo has nothing at all to do with body art i.e. "tattooing"; the word is of Dutchorigin and entered
military usage as “doe den tapp toe". At the time of the mercenaries in the Dutch state army, "tap toe" meant simply that local innkeepers were instructed to turn the tap
upwards, in other words: “turn off the tap!" Nothing more was served, the soldiers had to return to their quarters for a night's rest. So "tap toe" in the military sense meant
nothing other than “curfew"!
In more recent times, it became "tattoo", and this term in turn refers today to military musical events with bands and marching formations. Probably the most famous and successful of these is the
Royal Edinburgh Military Tattoo. For three weeks in every year, this festival becomes a pilgrimage site for military music fans from all over the world.
note current date changes due to the Corona Pandemic. Tickets remain valid for new dates.
note current date changes due to the Corona Pandemic. Tickets remain valid for new dates.